
Borges, “creator” of Cervantes; Cervantes precursor of Borger by Ion Agheana

La interioridad dramatica de Federico García Lorca por Antonio F. Cao

Skepticism and the problem of criteria in the Quijote by A.J. Cascardi

The Cid of Guillen de Castro: the hero as moral exemplar by James Crapotta

“Falsos paños”: lineage and dress in Gil Vicente’s don Duardos by Maria Cort Daniels

Dramaturgical distance in Valle-Inclán’s Esperpento de los cuernos de don Friolera by Dru Dougherty

Muerte y transfiguración del escritor: Borges y (en) sus lectores por Arturo Echavarría Ferrari

Los narradores en la sombra: apuntes sobre el “picaro arte” del galdos joven por Ana H. Fernandez Sein

Argument in The celestina, and its predecessors by Charles F. Fraker

The theme of justice in Fray Luis de León’s Glosses of the Psalms by David M. Gitlitz

Feijoo and Mr. Singer: notes on The aburguesamiento of fortunata by Peter B. Goldman

Halma: the novel’s name is a game and also its frame by Leo J. Hoar, Jr.

A tradition of error: english translations of don Quijote, II, 24 by Robert M. Jackson

Story and discourse in don Quijote by Carroll B. Johnson

Two cases of klendonomancy in Lope’s theater by Sonia Jones

More on the narrator of Fortunata y Jacinta by Susan Kirkpatrick

The meaning of theater in La Desheredada by Martha G. Krow-Lucal

Sobre el signo astrologico del arcipreste de Hita por Luca López-Baralt

Camino de perfección: Baroja y el misticismo por Julio Matas

El señorito literario: antecedentes y dos casos por Gloria M. Ortiz

At the whirpool’s rim: the voice of Pedro Garfias in the generation of 1927

Some jesuit contributions to the use of the term ‘comedia’ in spanish dramaturgy by Michael J. Ruggerio

Is La celestina the first modern novel? by Dorothy Sherman Severin

Bestiary imagery in La celestina by George A. Shipley

Fancy and fantasy in Rosalia: signs of self and society by Alan E. Smith

Church ritual as role-playing in Hernando de Talavera’s treatise on the mass by Ronald E. Surtz

On the romancero in Paribañez: la esposa fiel and la adultera por Marsha Swislocki

Theatrical aspects of the novel: don Quixote, Joseph Andrews, and the example of Cervantes by Jill Syverson-stork

Bartolome de Torres Naharro’s dialogo del nascimiento: a converso christmas play by Nora Weinerth

Authority figures in Siervo libre de amor and Grisel y Maribella by Barbara F. Weissberger

“Las aventuras de Pickwick”: notes on Benito Perez Galdos as translator of Dickens by Chad C. Wright

Juan del Encina’s representacion a la pasión: secular harmony through Christ’s redemption by Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano